Welcome to the liptones studioblogg!!!!!!
After months of writing,demorecordings and fistfights ( a nice way:) we´re finally in the studio to record
12 new kickass ska songs!!
To write songs in this band can be..hmmm...a turbulent process of different ideas ,no wonder when 6
retards with all sorts of musical backgrounds are trying to get it togheter:)
Thats how it´s always been and always will be in this band but it´s a productive struggle and when everythings done
the result is...the liptones!
So now we´re finally in the studio to record our new album.
Robert finished the drums in 5 hours ( including a pizzabreak:) and yestarday, Mårten did all the bass tracks.
Right now Mo is struggling with the guitars ..and that will take like 3 months...ha ha:)..a joke...
Some titles are:
The Meaning of Life
Something Strong
New Set of Sorrows
Can´t resist
Falling down
Turn me on
.....and some more!
here´s some pictures from the studio!
thats all for today... cheers and have a great Saturday!!
Pa,Robert and Henrik